Our technology is the next generation water and wastewater treatment solution with the following key attributes:

  1. Lower capital and operational cost.
  2. Highest quality of treated water - fit for unlimited reuse.
  3. No hazardous chemicals are used.
  4. Service paging for effective remote control and maintenance.
  5. The system is fully automatic and does not require intervention by users.

Our system is an integrated membrane system based on a unique combination of MBR and RO, effectively utilizing synergy between the two technologies. It is small scale, energy efficient and modular design system.

We deliver cost-effective solutions through integrating most advanced and proven technologies, minimizing use of energy and eliminating use of chemicals, wherever possible.

We offer complete engineering solution, environmental science, and treatment services, with an unusually strong commitment to tailored solutions.


© Copyright 2012 Enveera, Inc.